
Showing posts from August, 2022

I've Had Enough

  Proceed with caution   No one disrespects a small business like our own people. What is so weird about that is that some of the main ones have small businesses. I see why people would instead hit a clock than deal with the foolishness. I do both. I am an employee and a business owner, and I did not want to do either in the last few weeks. I took a break, and I still felt all over the place, so rather than thinking too far ahead, I decided I would do this one day at a time.   If you are like me, you have done the hard labor of implementing systems you teach others to do for a fee, only to have others book your services to copy your designs. It is much later in the session you realize the agenda. The lack of individuality of people who copy content without giving credit is a pain in my ass. Imagine them copying so much that they forget to change your link. It is sad. Money has been spent on marketing and branding for others to take it and book clients using your words. I feel b

Identifying and Overcoming Triggers

One minute you are up; the next, a trigger has sent you into an emotional decline. When the rollercoaster ride is over, you feel you can go no further. Or is that my experience? Let's be honest with ourselves; we cannot live like that in a world of constant reminders of people, places, and things that may not hold pleasant memories in our minds. Do you expect emotional catastrophes every time, or will you put in the work to heal? These episodes do a lot of internal damage you may not realize, so let us do some inner work before things get worse. Have you heard of inner work? Maybe shadow work is a term that is familiar to you. They are the same and will require healing the part of you that did not get the care and attention you needed. It is your inner self that learns to survive after experiencing trauma. Please be gentle with yourself and show compassion. If you beat yourself up about things, more than likely, you treat others the same. I posted on my Facebook page a few weeks

A Reflective Look Inward

  It was one of those weeks. I did not feel like doing anything or going anywhere. I felt tired, but I was unsuccessful when I tried to sleep. Whatever it was, I could not shake it. Before, I did not take the time to explore the feeling deeper, but this time it was different. I wanted to know what this pattern was all about. While I figured it was my body's way of telling me I had absorbed so many emotions I needed to release and recharge, there was something different about this moment. It was familiar but different. There was something I needed to pay attention to. The feeling would not let up, no matter what I did to shake it. I determined it was time for me to do some heart-searching.     Have you heard the term introspection? If you have worked with a coach, they probably called it going within. Some may have said it was soul searching, but in a nutshell, it is an examination or observation of one's mental and emotional processes. Last week, along with another coach from T

History Repeated

  "How could I assume removing her from the environment would change anything when I did not alter the environment within?" -LaToya Nicole The Set Up A relative convinced everyone I was the devil. She typically started a fight when she was ready for me to get out of her house. So, when everything popped off, I started packing. As much as I could, I put in bins and sat outside. She prevented me from coming back inside for my child by blocking the door with her body. Several times I asked her to let me get my baby, but she refused. She hit me in my chest, shoving me; three times, I warned her not to put her hands on me, and then it happened. She did it again. We fought, and someone called the police. The family member told the police I had attacked her, and they almost believed I was the aggressor because only my hair was a mess, and she was bleeding. Playing the victim, she told them she would not press charges because of the baby. She never mentioned she started the incid