I've Had Enough
Proceed with caution No one disrespects a small business like our own people. What is so weird about that is that some of the main ones have small businesses. I see why people would instead hit a clock than deal with the foolishness. I do both. I am an employee and a business owner, and I did not want to do either in the last few weeks. I took a break, and I still felt all over the place, so rather than thinking too far ahead, I decided I would do this one day at a time. If you are like me, you have done the hard labor of implementing systems you teach others to do for a fee, only to have others book your services to copy your designs. It is much later in the session you realize the agenda. The lack of individuality of people who copy content without giving credit is a pain in my ass. Imagine them copying so much that they forget to change your link. It is sad. Money has been spent on marketing and branding for others to take it and book clients using your words. I feel b