Is Time The Healer?


According to Webster, time is the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues: duration. Look at that definition and ask your self when did it heal you. If it took you ten years to recover what aids did you utilize during this time? If you broke a limb, would you seek medical treatment, or would you just let it be and wait for time to correct the break? I am not sure where we learned this saying from, but I am here to help you understand that time alone does not heal wounds. People are walking around mentally, physically, and spiritually broken, waiting for time. Pain is seeping through the fractures in everything they put their hands to, yet they await time.


I am not exempt; I fell into this trap! Yes, I was one who stopped dating or having anything to do with a man for years because I thought that would help me heal the areas in me that kept me in vicious cycles with them. I did not seek any help during that time; I decided to raise my daughter, go to church regularly, and pray without ceasing assuming it would bring some healing to me. Little did I know at the time I only traded one cover for the next. I thought now I can live a holy life, God would bless me, and I would be clean (so glad I am free from that thinking).  You know they say you are dirty to heave natural desires, so clean me, Lord.  Cleanse me of the way you made my body, the natural chemicals released, the genuine desire to want a mate of the opposite sex, yes, clean that up. Well, within that time, nothing changed for me. I only hid from one struggle to them encounter other internal struggles. The moment I decided to date again, I learned that nothing changed because I wound up in a similar relationship as before.  I did not know about seeing a therapist, getting a life coach, or doing inner work. Those were statements I did not hear. The most I heard was, “get your mindset together.”  No one took the time to explain how. It is easy for a person to suggest something when they have not done it themselves. That is why it is hard to explain how.  Many have not done the work but have merely covered it with a position, workload, food, social clubs, ministry endeavors, etc. Anything to make us appear, we have it together without actually having it together.


We must go more in-depth and unlearn to relearn. How many are stagnant because of a saying such as this one. We are programmed to believe we have no work to do. Pressing on to the mark requires action.  Challenging your belief systems will aid in the healing process. What we believe affects what we do. I know how it feels to circle for decades, and I do not want anyone else to go through that, which is why I am making it my life’s works to reveal those areas in me I had to face and heal. 

How do we tell a woman who loses her baby time will heal it?

How do we tell a child touched my a relative, time will heal it?

How do we tell someone who loses a loved one time will heal it?

How do we tell someone experiencing a heartbreak to move on time will heal it?


Why do we have the audacity to leave people in this frame of mind without a strategy? Unproductive generational thought processes are destroying us entirely. We are so stuck in our ways we can’t wake up from the stupor. Has time healed the oppression of our people? Has time healed the grounds soaked in our blood? Has time healed the wounds of those falsely accused losing their innocence to a system built to destroy us? Has time healed the womb of those traumatized by rape? It is not time itself; it is what we do to aid the healing that heals the wounds. If we do not do anything, we cannot expect to have recovered. Begin today, taking care of your entire being. You know you need to heal; time has passed, and you are still in the same place, decide today to do the work.

Please share this article with your followers spreading soul organization. 

If you need resources to begin your healing process please email me at

If you would like to schedule a clarity call with me please use this link Clarity Call

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  1. Excellent read!
    ~Crisonda Watson

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